Classes and Instructors
in the Bay Area
STYLE: Shintaido Bojutsu DOJO: Big Rec Field, Golden Gate Park TIME: Sat, 9:00-10:30 AM COST: $20
Robert Gaston (415) 902-4070 robgaston1@aol.com
CLOTHING Comfortable workout clothes
(The class begins in January 2021)
The class is focused for beginners and intermediates in Shintaido Bojutsu. We are presently focusing on kata and kihon with some mirroring kumibo at a distance.
As the pandemic retreats we will include kumiboh and kumite that include physical proximity to other students and touch.
We focus on a theme of connection. Using the boh as an antenna to become aware and to interact with ourselves, our fellow students and the world around us.
The class starts at 9am; please be a few minutes early to start on time. Class is held at the west end of the Baseball fields (also known as the Big Rec Field) in Golden Gate Park. This is at the end of 7th Ave. where it ends at Martin Luther King Jr Drive. (this is on the south side of the park just in from Lincoln Way.)
The class is $20 per class, the first class is free. (Arrangements for reduced fee can be made for on a individual basis for financial hardship.)
Class contact: Robert Gaston, email: robgaston1@aol.com, Phone: (415) 306-6100